Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
What's been going on around here?
The Daisies finally made their appearance they are also done now so the only real colour we have in the garden right now are some orange Day Lilies and whatever we have planted in our pots. It's been a bit difficult keeping everybody happy in the extreme heat we've been experiencing, plants and people, but I think we are all learning to adapt.
A couple of weeks ago we had the strangest thunder and lightening storm that lasted for hours and hours. I forgot that I had snapped some photos of the incredible sky that evening but found the photos when I was clearing off my camera this morning.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Where did it go so wrong?
So far treatment has included icey/hot patches and creams, ice, hot, crying, doctor, drugs including something to help the nerve pain and Tylenol 3, a CT scan and tomorrow, a Chiropractor. I am waiting for scan results and I have a referral for Physiotherapy.
I'm coping okay now with manageable pain and a real weakness in my leg and foot. Sitting for any period of time causes nerve pain, like a deep ache, but I do have more time when it doesn't bother me now.
The main goal now is to find out what is causing it and never do it again.
Wish me luck.
All that being said, I have been busy with other things too and have not let my pains stop me from doing too much.
I was able to do a lot of singing around town this weekend and was lucky to make music with some pretty amazing people. The quality of people and musicianship in my life these days is awe inspiring. Being able to be on stage with some of my musical heroes this weekend has inspired me to do more!
The wedding invitations have finally been sent and now I get to run to the door every morning to see who sent back replies. That's pretty fun. I still have no idea how many people to expect. The planning moves on.
I've missed you blog. I'm giving you a new title for now.
Rhubarb! I've always liked that word.
I will work on making you work better.
Friday, June 26, 2009
How do you spell relief?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Guess what?
We have only had intermittent internets since last Friday and the guy who came by to fix it today just did a temporary fix running a cable through my kitchen. This is truly The House of Cords, Cables and Wires. One of the joys of living in an older house. On a side note, the guy that came to fix the internets showed up when I was in the shower, luckily Superman was home to let him in. The first thing he asked was if he could use our bathroom and then tried to walk in on me when I was drying off. Eek! I grabbed my stuff and took it into the bedroom while he was outside checking the connection so when he came back in he asked to use the bathroom again. When he was done I went in to continue getting ready and it turned out that he had been busy laying some cable in there and smelled up the whole bathroom. WTF? He could have at least sprayed some air freshener in there. Ugh. I was rather appalled but SM said I should give the guy a break, how long should he have to hold it? Just a bit longer would have been nice.
My camera is on the fritz and I had a root canal today. I also have searing sciatic pain that started on Monday and seems to be getting worse. I have been working out anyway, doing aqua fit and it doesn't hurt at all when I'm in the water. I wish I could be in the water all the time.
Superman got laid off from his job about a month ago and is doing all he can to find another. That's a bit stressful.
So , there you have it. That's what's happening here.
One more thing, I'm thinking of starting a whole new blog. This account has never shown my updates to my subscribers and I think it's ready for a name/style change. I just can't seem to fix it. Hopefully I can transfer all the content of this blog onto a new one and start fresh. I tried to change my background colour and lost my entire blog roll, among other things.
There you have it. This could be better but they could definitely be worse too. I am trying to be grateful for what I have and work towards what I need.
I'll try to come here more.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Can you take more garden pictures?
Here she is against the blue, blue sky.
So pretty!
Here's the wall of roses and there are so many more blooming every minute. I can't even describe how amazing the yard smells.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How does your garden grow?
Monday, June 8, 2009
I plan?
So many details and so little time now. We are down to double digits here, last week started the 100 day countdown! Food, cake, lighting, dress, suit, rentals and Dear God let the sun shine.
Please forgive me if I act confused from time to time.
Wish me luck my friends. i might just need it.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Have you seen The Queen?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another wedding??

Check THIS out!
I know I'm not the only one who is upset by this. I mean, after all these years Archie is getting married and guess who he chose? That's right, he chose the raven haired rich bitch Veronica. I know that Betty and Veronica are the same face with different colour hair so we know it's not a physical thing. I guess it turns out Archie has a thing for girls who treat him and everyone else like shit, are spoiled rotten and are just not very nice. Oh yes, and she's rich too.
I am so disapointed that Archie didn't choose Betty. Don't you think that girls around the world would have felt just a little bit happier to know that being a kind and considerate person actually does pay off in the end?
That being said, I never really thought that Archie was that big of a catch anyway. He's kind of stupid, he's not that good looking and he played with Betty's affections for years.
Maybe Betty is the winner here. She can finally go find a real man (or woman) and marry so she can loose her virginity too. After all they are 16 years old.
I just can't quite figure out the message that is being given here.
I wonder who it will be?
God no, not Reggie!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Is it time?

I also had my eyebrows waxed yesterday so all in all I am feeling like the maintenance is finally caught up with and I should have one of those stickers put on me, like when you get your oil changed. Service needed again in 6 weeks or 1000 miles, whichever comes first.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wasn't that a party?
Best. Weekend. Ever. We had it. Our favourite friends from the island came to visit this weekend and we had such a great time! They are both fine musicians so there was much jamming and joy had by all. They got here in the early afternoon on Saturday and since it was lovely weather we sat outside in the yard all afternoon. We barbecued and had some margaritas and lots of laughs and then the party really started in earnest. Superman wanted a big jam party so I let him take care of the invites and he did a very good job. At the peak of the party we figure there was about 40 people here! This house is just right for big parties and it never felt out of control or overly crowded. In fact I feel much more confidant that 50-60 wedding guests will work out just fine for us here. I must say I feel relieved. Among our many friends that did come over were some of the best country picken' musicians in town and at one point I counted three stand up basses and dozens of guitars, at least one banjo and an acordian, it was so exciting to have so many amazing players in our home. The mood was just happy and everybody was thrilled to be outside for the first decent weekend evening of the year. Happy, happy people and they all went home by 3 or so so there were no overly drunk hangers ons either. Sunday morning we awoke to a sunny, gorgeous day and ended up back in the yard. After another BBQ the instruments came out again and much bluegrassing ensued. We just played music and sang songs all afternoon and then ordered in some amazing Thai food for dinner, then more jamming. Blissful times for all I think and I can't wait to do more of the same all summer long. I hope my neighbours like music.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Can you feel it?
The sun is shinning, it's the Friday of a long weekend and we have some dear friends coming into town this weekend! Tomorrow night we are finally going to have that house warming party we've been talking about since we moved in and I can't wait.
Jessie and I bought a bunch of flowers and did some planting last weekend. I have never really done that before and it was really fun. I picked up a gardening bible and we have been spending a good amount of time trying to learn about the plants that are already here and how to care for the ones we bought. So much to know. I found a handyman on Craigslist and he is working on fixing our bbq and the back porch light so we should be ready to rock by tomorrow. Tonight we are off to The Superstore for party goodies and yummy food and SM has a band practice here at the house. Is it too early to start drinking? I know it is but I can't wait till the end of the day.
I got pretty sick last week and I have been such a good girl, just taking it easy and trying to feel better.
It's been a long hard winter and Spring has already brought some sad times but I am so open to the joy that is coming, I think we all are.
Our wedding plans are ticking right along. I have the invitations being designed right now, the dress is also being designed and my caterer is popping by this weekend to have a look at the yard and facilities. I still have tons to do but have enlisted the help of Lorna as my Maid Of Honour to help me get it all done. I need help with all the little details for sure.
I'm looking forward. I am excited by the prospects. Bring it on.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
How Blue?
Yesterday I went to see my Mom and we had an early Mother's Day. It was so nice, we started talking about wedding plans and such and I told her I wanted old glass on my tables and the next thing you know we had uncovered her fabulous blue glass collection. There is a little bit of everything there from old Bromo Seltzer bottles and perfume bottles, old Noxema jars hand blown balls and squares, birds, eggs and tall vases. I have always loved this glass and I think it will look so pretty on the tables in the yard with blooms popping out everywhere.
My Mom collects a few different kinds of glass. She has pink glass and red glass and milk glass it looks so pretty all over her house. She knows just how to group it together and it never looks cluttered and dusty. The blue glass was all tucked away though and I think it was time to dust it off and let it shine. I felt bad just leaving it all there for my Mom to figure out what to do with it all until we need it in September. She'll probably enjoy looking at it for a couple of days before she tucks it away
She also pulled up this little couple who may just have to be spruced up for another go around. They haven't done a lick of work since 1961 and they look like they are ready to party.
We also looked at her guestbook and all the cards they were given and who gave them what wedding gifts. Then looked at the original bill for her wedding invitations and napkins, 75 invitations= $14.00 and some change. All things being relative it felt like lot of money back then I think.
I need to focus on what is ahead and happier times but it's nice to remember the past and how it all started.
Thanks Mom.
So, I need to plan a wedding. It's good!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
She passed at 12:25 in the afternoon.
I was called shortly after and by the time I got to their house there were close friends and family starting to gather. I was able to see her again and say goodbye. It was an intense day.
There are so many details but I still don't feel like I can articulate what it was like. I can only say that in true T fashion I was made to feel like I belonged there and I was part of her family too. We all did. It was her wish that we would gather to say goodbye .
Much sadness and tears, laughter and stories, lots of hugs. We all just stayed, there was nowhere else to be and it felt right.
When they came to take her away we all stood together holding hands, watching her go including her little boy Max. We all cried and Max asked if he could look out the window to see her go.
It broke my heart.
You can read her story here.
I will miss my friend so much but I am grateful that she can finally rest in peace.
That's all I can say about it today.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Do you know true terror?
This is where he is now along with the two mats he was rolled up in.
This is the nasty bag of styro feces and pee pee that was left in the box.