Monday, December 1, 2008

Weekend Update

On Saturday we were guests at the sweet little wedding at Deer Lake Heritage Park of our dear friends Spike and Barry. This is such a darling little chapel, all decked out for the holidays. hmmmmm I might like to get married in there.
There is a whole little old timey village there so after the nuptials we did a bit of exploring in the rain.
We discovered this little silent movie theatre and SM had to have a seat and watch part of the Charlie Chaplin movie Gold Rush. I love this picture because SM looks like he stepped right out of the era in this shot.
This is what happens when you pile a bunch of heavy plates onto one end of those long folding tables. No, I didn't do it. I did yell OPAH! Not sure how you spell that but if this would have been a Greek wedding the caterer probably wouldn't have looked so upset.
We went on to have a lovely time at the reception and even did a little dancing to the kick-ass blues band they employed. SM seems to have picked up some new moves and was spinning me all around the floor. Fun!
Conratulations Spike and Barry!!
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1 comment:

Way Out Wear said...

How very quaint! What a way to start the holiday season. Great photos and I love SM in the little theatre with his hat - too cool.

But no photos of you? Oh too bad, I'm sure you looked smashing (oops, didn't mean to say that)

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