Monday, June 30, 2008
Did you feed the cat?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Are you still there?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Is today Seniors Day?

First off I want to apologise for not writing for a few days, I was busy switching gears. As of right now I am on a vacation of sorts. I am cat sitting for my mother-in-law in beautiful White Rock, British Columbia. I am staying in her two bedroom condo with the ocean views and the fat orange cat and I am finding it to be a bit of an adjustment. First of all it's quiet, eerily quiet. Since I have been here I haven't heard a dog bark, squealing tires, a car alarm or even a raised voice. It's just silence and the odd screech of a seagull. Compared to living on a very busy major artery in Vancouver this is like hanging out in a library.
Then there are the seniors. They are all here. The building I am staying in is seniors only, in three days I have run into one person in the underground parking area. I felt the need to tell her I was house sitting and she wanted to know who for. She was a bit snippy with me until I mentioned I was looking after the cat and then she softened right up. She also has a cat.That's nice.
I miss a few things being here, it's anywhere from a 45 minutes to an hour away from my place. I have to cross a bridge and go through a tunnel, lots of traffic if I don't time it just right. I also miss my huge closet full of clothes. I miss my wardrobe, is that bad? I showed up here with a suitcase and a bag and quickly realized that I had brought more cosmetics and beauty products with me than my MIL owned in her whole life. My MIL lives simply and frugally unlike myself. I am going to try to embrace this style of living. I'm not going to worry about what I wear, just be casual in shorts and tee shirts. I'm going to try and plan simple, healthy meals, take long walks everyday, spend as much time as I can on the beach and read some good books. I am also looking forward to having some of the girls over for a sip and bitch.
I also miss Superman and his Super Parts. Oh well, it's only been a couple of days.
I will try to update every day and hopefully find that connector thingy for my camera so I can upload some pictures.
Still waiting for the sunshine...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
This bud's for who?

Those are healthy 4 or 5 foot budding pot plants. British Columbia's finest bud.
Our friend was just laughing and we were all wondering what the hell was up because nobody seemed the least bit upset. It turned out that the mystery was ridiculously easy to figure out. Another part of the property had a trailer home on it that our friend rented to a local guy who's teenage son had recently come to live with. We made our way into the bush and followed a well trod path that veered off towards the back of the property. There was a clearing with about 20 garbage cans, each one sporting a big healthy plant. Then we noticed a garden hose trailing from the area and stretching all the way across the bush and ending up connected to the trailer that the kid lived in. I turns out weeks earlier everybody in the area had their garbage cans stolen off the street on garbage day. Everybody. This is in a pretty rural area, there are only houses on one side of the street and forest on the other. One morning, not a trash can in site. hmmmmm The police had seen the area with the plants from overhead when they were doing a fly-over, looking for grow ops I guess.
The cops dragged all of the harvested weed over to the car and started stuffing it into the trunk of their cruiser. This is what it looked like when they closed the trunk.

Yup! That's how they drove the car back into town. I love this picture. I have tried to protect the identity of everybody involved but I wish you could see the full expression on the uniformed cops face. It's priceless.
Well we had a good chuckle about the whole thing that's for sure. Later that evening the little prick that grew the weed came around and asked if anyone had any idea what had happened to his dope. We told him the cops came and cut it down. The kid was shitting full sized bricks. He left for a while and then he came back and asked if anyone had any proof of what had happened. It turns out that he was growing the weed for an associate who was not going to be so understanding about the missing plants. He was looking at an ass kicking for sure.
One of the guys there took the above pictures and after letting the kid sweat it out for a while finally emailed the picture to the kid so he could show it to his associate and avoid a spanking.
As far as I know, no charges were laid.
Only in BC.
I love that story.
Monday, June 16, 2008
What's for dinner?
I know that this isn't anything fancy or tricky but I always have trouble trying to fix something easy, healthy and fast.
What's your favourite easy, healthy and fast dinner?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Who's your daddy?
I find it really fascinating to watch how people react to live music at public events. At one point I had my camera onstage and I was snapping photos of the crowd. It reminds me that there are a LOT of people that never see live music, they don't go to clubs to catch their favourite band or they are too young to have experienced it.
At one point in the show I looked over and I saw this little guy had come up on the stage. Right away I thought there might be a problem. Superman once told a kid to get off the stage at a public event like this and was confronted by an angry parent who didn't like the way he talked to his kid. All he said was, "Get off the stage, kid". The kid wasn't upset but her Daddy was. The difference with the kid on stage this time was that he was just standing on the very edge and he never moved from that spot. He also had a little plastic guitar, and he was jamming with the band. I really think he thought he was playing, he was dead serious about the whole thing. It was pretty cute. And nobody got hurt...feelings.
Saturday was spent at a wake for a dear friend of ours who was taken from us after a really awful battle with cancer. He was way too young to go.
The wake was filled with friends, family, journalists and editors. It was just what I would want at my own wake. A bunch of people that knew me from all different aspects of my life telling stories and laughing at what a character I was. It was really beautiful, and a necessary part of dealing with a tragic death I think.
It was also a bit of a piss up and after many pints of beer and some single malt scotch in honour of our friend, we ended up at a barbeque joint drunk and hungry. Damn, we were hungry. There were four of us and we ordered some sort of platter with every kind of meat. I forgot to take a picture of the meal before we had a go at it but I found one online. The after picture was pretty gruesome.You may choose to look away if you are squeemish.
Friday, June 13, 2008
How'd we meet?

Thursday, June 12, 2008
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What kind of milk comes from a forgetful cow?

Is that all there is?
I really had to give myself an attitude adjustment and this morning I woke up feeling much better and ready to take on the world.
Superman's on holidays. That's to say he is not needed at the Justice League of America for the next two weeks. I think Aqua Man is taking over for him or something. Anyway, he's not going anywhere or anything just having some much needed down time and working on a few special, top secret projects. So he's here. All the time. It's awesome.
It's alright actually, I got a little glimpse of it this morning, he's more laid back, in a better mood, paying way more (too much?) attention to me, and he makes coffee every morning. Not to mention people who aren't working tend to be up for sex almost anytime. Nice! Today's only day two, talk to me in a week or so.
Check back this evening, I will be updating again. Maybe something will happen or I will have an interesting thought to write about. Or maybe you will just have to deal with another one of my stories about growing up. I apologise in advance...
Ask me a question. Ask me anything and I will answer. Help me out here.
The picture on my header was taken from the deck of our apartment during a brief moment of dryness. Nice view huh?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Should Vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Saturday night was spent with my BFF from when I was 13 years old. We don't get the chance to see each other as much as we used to but every time we get together it's like no time has passed. We wandered a couple of blocks down the street to see Superman's band and sat and drank a few beers with some good folks in the neighbourhood. The boys rocked the house and a good time was had by all. It turned into a late night after all with an early morning for some reason. That called for a wake up call of lots of strong coffee eggs, hash browns and farmer sausage. Yum.
I spent the rest of the day puttering around and being on call for work. Eventually it started to feel like dinner and I was feeling pretty homey. Did I mention that I live above a gourmet grocery store? I know. Did I mention I live right next door to a liquor store? Did I mention I live half a block from my work. Yes, I have a charmed life but I planned it that way dammit!
When I start feeling all homey it's almost always Chicken Stew and Dumplings. I am famous for my Chicken Stew and Dumplings, for real. I picked up some free range boneless, skinless chicken thighs carrots, onion, celery (the leafy parts have the most flavour). I cheated a bit and bought a can of sweet corn and a can of sliced mushrooms. These ingredients vary a lot when I make this dish. Today I was feeling pretty lazy so this is the easy-peasy version.
I cut the chicken into just bigger than bit size pieces, dredged them in seasoned flour and got them browning in the frying pan. Then I add the onions, carrot, celery and some garlic and let it all start working together. Within a couple of minutes our home smells amazing.
Once things get good and friendly in the pan I de-glaze with chicken stock or water or in this case the water from the can of sweet corn, add the shrooms and those fabulous baby red potatoes that have been showing up in the store the last couple of weeks. I added a little more water and put the lid on until it boiled over and made a mess on the stove top. You can skip that step if you want. Don't forget to season after every new ingredient is added and taste it from time to time to make sure it is just right. I usually use just sea salt and fresh ground pepper, you can add any herbs you like but to be honest I don't think it needs anything fancy. I have used white wine, rosemary, sage etc. but I really don't think it's necessary. The most important part is the onion, carrot celery combo, that's where the aroma and flavour come in the most.
Usually I mix my dumplings up and throw them on top but I used too shallow of a pan, no room for dumplings so I made biscuits.
I'm going to give you my dumpling recipe anyway. Okay, not MINE but the one I use.
DON"T LIFT THE LID FOR 15 MINUTES! I can't stress this enough , people.
I decided on biscuits and as soon as I got into making them I realized I only had 1 cup of flour and I needed 2. I searched high and low and decided to try substituting pancake mix for flour. I looked pretty floury. The dough came together pretty well and baked up well and I have to say...fluffiest biscuits ever! Not the prettiest but very yummy and fluffy for days. What a relief.
I thickened the gravy up a bit with a little milk and flour and here is the result.
Here's Superman diggin' in. I think he may have shed a tear. Leftovers for tomorrow. Yay!
That's it folks, good friends, good food, good night.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday night and don't forget to tell me...
What's your favourite comfort food?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

When I was 15 years old my older brother started a band with two guys who are also brothers. The idea was that they would put together a country and western band for their sisters wedding. The guys used to rehearse in our basement because our parents were cool about that type of thing. They honestly enjoyed having assorted bad teenage bands in the basement on Saturday afternoons. Afterwords my Dad would say things like, "That drummer doesn't really know how to keep time too well." or "I think you need a new guitar player." He was usually right.
Being 15 and already being a somewhat experienced singer, I was hanging out a lot and learning all the words to the songs. Of course when the singer they had in mind for the band dropped out I told them I would sing for them until they found someone else. So there I was singing country classics at the age of 15, singing about heartache and love and drinkin' and never having experienced any of those things. I did develop a powerful crush on the drummer who was about 10 years older than me, but that's another story. After the first rehearsal the guys decided that I would be the new singer for The Ramblin' Rose Band and we had exactly one gig, the wedding, and we would learn enough material to do the whole reception.
When the wedding day finally arrived we were as ready as we could be. I had to sing the first waltz for the newly married couple, Can I Have This Dance (For The Rest Of My Life). I was so nervous in the beginning but as the night wore on it was getting more and more fun, the crowd was getting into it pretty heavily and I discovered my new calling. The reception ended up being an epic party that went late into the wee hours with lots of drinking and bridesmaids getting felt up and people telling each other what they REALLY thought of each other. I figure I sang for about 4 hours straight and I think when we ran out of material we just started at the beginning of the set list and played them all again. I loved every minute of it!
After the wedding the guys thought we should continue with the band and see if we could get some more gigs. One of the brothers lined up a bunch of shows in a row at a series of Legion Halls around the province that would require us to go on the road for a few days. I couldn't believe my luck. I mean this is exactly what I wanted to be doing. I figured I would go on the road for a while, who cares about school, I'd hone my chops and be a star by the time I could legally get in bars at 19. My parents were not so excited. They were dubious at first and never really agreed to any of it but things seemed to move forward anyway with me in denial and knowing it would all work out.
The weekend before the "tour" my brother was out for a jog at night in a local park. Running down a path, minding his own business when he was stopped short by an almost invisible chain pulled across the path. When your legs stop moving and the rest of you doesn't the natural thing to do is to throw your arms in front of you to stop your face from hitting the ground. When a person falls that hard with their arms straightened in front of them the results can be devastating. In his case it resulted in multiple fractures to BOTH elbows. He came home from the emergency room with both arms in casts crossed over his chest. Needless to say my Country and Western career was over for a while. The tour was cancelled.
Years later I sustained an almost identical injury to one of my elbows involving roller skates and homegrown. Sitting in the local Emergency room the doctor came in to give me the bad news. He said it was broken and it would require surgery eventually. I was crushed. In a bid to make me feel better the Doctor said, "Don't feel too bad, a couple of years ago I had a guy in here that broke BOTH his elbows!" He was talking about my brother.
Do you think things happen for a reason?
Monday, June 2, 2008
How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

- Probably around 100 people.
- Close to home.
- Possible theme: Honky-Tonk
- We must have live music.
- We both want to perform, including Country -Married -Couple -Duets.
- We don't want to go into massive amounts of debt to do it.
That's about as far as we have come. I know none of this sounds very romantic but lets face it, wedding planning is just event planning and the overwhelming details can make a girl wonder...
What's wrong with being engaged for a couple of years?
Stay tuned right here for more details.
Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

if you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
I did manage to work out this morning so that's something. At the gym not the bar. It was hard. I haven't been doing it enough lately and I definitely felt it. We have a gym on each floor in the building we live in and that is so nice. It's just perfect for one person. It has a treadmill a stationary bike, a universal gym, free weights and one of those big balls. No excuses here. The only reason I don't work out every day is because I am a lazy, lame ass. There is no other reason and I can live with that. Soooo, today being Monday I am trying to start my week off right and get some damn exercise, eat some healthy meals and write here every day. Wow, it's good to have goals.
We have a nice flat screen TV in the gym too so I can watch whatever I want while I'm working out. This is a little embarrassing sometimes because people often walk by when I'm in there and I am not always proud of my viewing choices. Superman listens to Honky-Tonk Country Classics on the music channel while he works out. He listens to it LOUD too. It cracks me up because I always think about the next person coming in to the gym and switching on the TV only to have George Jones or Waylon Jennings singing about drinkin' and lovin'. I don't think ANY of that music was written to work out to. I, on the other hand have the TV tastes of a 14 year old boy. I love adult cartoons like The Simpson's and South Park and some of the newer ones like Frisky Dingo and Morel Oral. I enjoy Mad TV and Saturday night Live anything with a warning screen that comes on after the commercials. I realize I come by this the long way around, my family has always enjoyed this type of humour. I remember my brother and I saving up our money to buy Mad magazine and Cracked and Crazy too. I also remember staying up waaayy past my bedtime when I was pretty little to watch this new show called Saturday Night Live that my older brother had heard about. It was pretty cutting edge stuff back then. I would have been about 9 years old and my brother was 12ish. Oh well, just one more part of my goal to stay young and never completely grow up.
Another thing, how come every time I turn the TV on in the gym I have to change the ratio of the picture. Somebody always makes the picture go as big as it can go and everything looks all stretched out. I think some people just want to get there money's worth with those wide screens and fill up every space. Or maybe they just like working out and watching all the stretched out fat people on TV. Wow, that actually makes sense.
I know you thought I was going to ask you about your work out habits but trust me, I never will. Instead...
What's your favourite summer drink???
The one that you accidentally drink too much of and then fall down on. I myself am partial to a good Margarita and anything Martini makes me do crazy things.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
did you get the number of that train?
This morning is another story. I feel as though I might have actually been run over by that train. I've had 4 hours sleep and that Chinese food I ate at 2 am is giving me a tummy ache now.
Superman ran into a friend from waaay back and lamented on how he was getting so old. I tell him all the time he's better looking every year as a lot of men do tend to age well and get more handsome, in my opinion. Then he turned to me with our heads on the pillow and told me I looked beautiful. Right then, with 4 hours sleep and hung over and all. He said he thought I was aging very well. That means a lot because we have been together since I was in my early 20's, back when I had no wrinkles and was quite a bit *ahem* thinner. That's one of the reasons I want to marry Superman, he doesn't see so well in the morning. And the buns of steel, obviously.
Did you get the number of that train?