Thursday, July 31, 2008
You call that art?
I bought some art! My friend is closing his antiques shop today for good. I have had many fine conversations with him over the years as I walked by his lovely shop each morning on the way to work. I have always admired this lovely watercolour but it was way out of my price range. The artist is Richard McDiarmid and he is from right here in Vancouver. I have no idea how old this is but looking at the back of the framing tells me it is maybe 20 or 30 years old. I don't really care how old it is or how famous the artist is, and the fact that it's worth well over $1000 and I paid a mere fraction of that makes me smile. I just really like it. I don't think the photo does it justice. I have a special place to put it but it can't go up yet. It's all a part of my bedroom beautification plan. I will keep you posted.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Mr Clean????

Hitting the road?
What I want is one of these...

This one belongs to my friends Joe and Shannon and I must admit I am coveting this little puppy. It's a BOLER trailer and it is distinctly Canadian. They were only manufactured in Canada from 1968-1971 it is estimated that there were only 7,000 to 10,000 units made.
A lot of these babies have been sitting under tarps in peoples yards or garages for many years and need a lot of TLC to make them pretty again. I think That would be a pretty fun project.
Boler trailers are made of fiberglass and the insides are made with something called Ensolite, this product had been developed by Uniroyal and was being used in the cockpits of airplanes at the time. They are only 13 feet long, extremely lightweight and don't require a truck to pull them. I have seen pictures from the seventies with one being towed by a VW Beatle. They were designed for a small family but I think they would be perfect for a couple.
Isn't it just perfect?
I love this little trailer and I will figure out a way to have one by next summer. I figure at the end of every summer there are a lot of hard decisions made about keeping the old camping trailer or getting rid of it and upgrading. I'm not quite ready to get one yet but the wheels have started turning.
I must have it. But how???
Monday, July 28, 2008
Can I have a ride?

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Where's the party?
I have decided to use more names in my blog. I even find it confusing to say BFF all the time without being able to say who is who. I don't really think it matters but I wanted to ease into this thing a little with anonymity to start and maybe more details about my life as it feels comfortable. This way I can promote their businesses, talents, blogs and websites too.
We had a lovely time on Thursday night at Erin and Paul's place, the first yard/bbq party of the summer and it had all the elements. Great weather, lots of yummy food, good friends we haven't seen in a long time, new people to meet and of course the loveliest of birthday girls. All good! Thanks guys!
This weekend is the big Pemberton Music Festival. There was a time when I would be all over this kind of event but there is no way in hell you could get me up there at this stage of my life. I don't need to be in a remote area with over 40, 000 people, nothing to do my business in but a blue plastic pissy/poopy hotbox and a 10'x 10' camping area to call home. Are you fucking kidding me?? There are so many restrictions at this event, you can't bring in your own booze you have to buy on sight, not a bad idea I guess but I imagine it would be an expensive little outing when you tally it all up. The weather report is calling for rain tomorrow. If I went it would rain for sure. I am convinced that global warming really started in earnest when I threw away my tent. I had about an 80% chance of rain whenever I set it up. It was uncanny. It got to the point that whenever there were freak rain storms in the middle of summer my mother would call me after and ask if I was camping. Why else would it rain for no reason. The last time we camped, we went to sleep in the warm summer night and woke up to a torrential rainforest downpour. We had to pack everything up and into the car to catch a ferry. I was drying out the tent in the living room of our apartment for a week. That's when I decided I was done. I would love some sort of camping house, how about that little trailer in my header?? That would be perfect. I think I would make a good RVer too. Maybe one day. Until then it's staying at friends houses or motel/hotels. I've earned it.
Tonight we are going to a rockin' house party. Some of Vancouver's legendary Rockabilly, Roots musicians will be there and these parties are always interesting and fun. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday.
Yup, summer is in full swing! I hope my liver can stand a little more.
Cheers Ya'll!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Going to bed?
This is the view from the foot of our bed. Pretty isn't it? I'm having a lot of fun trying to capture different light and using different settings on my camera. This is my favorite room.
Today is a tired day. Looking forward to crawling into that bed.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Mission accomplished?
How's the weather?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
How is it?

Aw summer. It's been a good one so far. Just a quick post before we head out to friends place to do some singin' and playin' and drinkin'. That's right we don't need the letter "g" to have fun!
Footloose is on right now and Kevin Bacon is just about to go to the town council meeting. Superman thinks they will dance and change every ones mind.
Whenever anybody kisses on TV Superman yells "SMOOCHIE!" at the screen in a slightly odd way. It can be unsettling. Sometimes I think I am marrying an eight year old. But other times...
We had a nice day today. We drove down to Commercial Drive and went to our favourite music store Bone Rattle. Of course we both found expensive things we wanted to buy. We managed to control our urges and went to a nice little restaurant called TIMBRE and had Greyhounds and yummy sandwiches.
Well my friends, off to do some jamming. Talk to you tomorrow and have fun out there.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Can I have one more?

My friends are awesome and I am just so grateful. The last two nights we had a BFF staying with us. Her husband passed away a few weeks ago, from cancer (fuck you cancer), she is doing pretty well. You know, she's sad and a little depressed but she's living her life and being so real and courageous about it. Her strength through this whole thing has been so amazing and inspirational and we can all only hope to get through something so horrible and do it with such grace and class. I feel so lucky to have witnessed one of my peers set the benchmark for grace under pressure. I only hope I can live up to and take inspiration from her if and when I have to deal with anything so difficult. I love her.
This morning we went to the pool with my other BFF and we had such a nice time just chatting and swimming and soaking up the sun. So good.
When I finished work today I checked in with two more of my BFFs and realized that they were both going through some pretty heavy emotional stuff, you know, men, relationships, sadness and anxiety. There was only one thing to do, have a girls night. We decided, last minute to go to a movie, Sex In The City seemed the logical choice.
We met at the theatre and were all a little out of sorts due to debris from the day. We bought our snacks and sat down to watch the movie. We laughed and we cried and we related to everything, except maybe the clothes. I love the fashion on SITC, it's ridiculous and fun like art to me.
After the movie we went to an Italian "Soul Food" restaurant next door to the theatre and that's when it hit us all. We could so relate to so many things in the movie. I am not embarrassed to say we sat down and ordered Cosmopolitans at $8 a pop, we had a few and they were good. We drank cocktails and talked about our stuff and we laughed and we cried and we snuck ( I know "snuck" isn't a word but I don't know better word) drags on a cigarette on the outdoor patio, something that is punishable by death in Vancouver. I swear to God, the stuff we talked about was more crazy and interesting than any plot from any movie.
I came away from this evening a little tipsy, yes but even more important I feel a real appreciation for the friends that I have. I know that we will be truly there for each other as we age and go through weddings, divorces, funerals, new loves, break ups, kids, no kids and all that shit we haven't even thought of yet.
What I know is this, I have good friends that I love very much and who love me back. I have friends I can trust and I know that we can be there for each other no matter what. I look forward to more laughs and tears and trips and parties and stories and heartaches and music, and joyful times with these people. I look forward to aging but never growing up with these people.
I guess, like many, I have a few over priced cocktails and start telling my friends how much I loves 'em.
To all my BFF's I love you.
Yah, I know, you love me too.
Drinks tomorrow night? I'm there.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Did you axe me somthin'?

Here ya go -
Monday, July 14, 2008
Are you up?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Can I do it?

This pretty much sums up our Sunday. To be fair we haven't had a "sit on your fat ass all day" day in a long while. At least not together. Superman and I have been separated for a few weeks due to me house sitting for his Mom so we are just working on getting it together as an "us" again. It's not really a problem but I am a very independent person and sometimes I need to check in and make sure we are on the same page. The apartment is still a mess but I have managed to put a bit of a dent in the chaos. Still plenty to do but it's too hot in here to really work that hard.
Superman's band had a show last night at The Princeton pub. It was a pretty good show and he invited me up on stage for a song so that made it a lot of fun. It was a bit of a crazy vibe in that place last night I find it's been pretty easy to find the crazy these days. Maybe it's the heat? After the show we headed to a house party that we were invited to. There were a bunch of musicians there and we were told there would be lots of jamming. Fun! Except by the time we got there the police had already been around to shut down the outdoor jamming. The cops said they had 14 complaints. Folks just moved inside and started singing and playing. The police came again and the party was basically shut down, they were nice about it. I think it was about 2:30 or 3ish so we made our way home.
Jamming at parties can be fun but often it can take one person to ruin the whole thing. As was the case last night, one person, very drunk, thought they were singing along but really it was more like howling. Just a constant howling noise. And loud too. I've had people do this at gigs too. They honestly think they are singing along but really it's more of a broken wailing. I am all for inclusion but sometimes it makes it hard to, you know, make music. In a social setting you really can't say anything. It is what it is.
I'm off to Kits Pool again tomorrow. I am getting so much out of my daily swim. Exercise is only part of it. Just being outdoors in the sun, moving my body and enjoying the view. Definitely found my happy place.
Hope your weekend was great and your Monday even better. What?? It could happen.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
How's the water?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Last one in is a...?!

Swimming in a lake is an important goal that I need to fulfill every summer. There is just nothing like it. I will try to take some pictures and update this evening. Hope you are reaching some of your summer goals!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is that living?
I'm up damn early again today. Our place gets the early morning sun and the heat, brightness and noise from the traffic is not good for sleeps. I think I need to take a trip out to the local Swedish retailer and look at getting some light blocking curtains or something. After sleeping at my MIL I realize now how much sounder and more peaceful I sleep with some peace and quiet and it makes me wonder. I wonder about the damage it does to a person to constantly hear noise in their living environment. Let's not forget it's this season when some people feel like it's necessary to ride their super loud motorcycles around town. The other morning at about 5:30 or so we were treated to a motorcycle that was so loud it was setting off every car alarm it passed! An unbelievable noise. Woke us both up startled and we both wear earplugs to bed!
On the other hand living in the vibrant city is something I would have a hard time changing. I love being able to walk out the door and have gourmet grocery stores, funky clothing stores and tons of restaurants to chose from, all within blocks of my front door. There are also live music venues that are not only great to catch bands at but I play gigs at them regularly. I have one venue directly across the street from me?
Then there is this amazing building we live in.
That being said, living a block or two off the main drag would be so much quieter. And I think the grass might be greener too.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What are you grateful for?
Let's give that a try now. My previous post was all about the angries but I need to balance that out with something positive. I will never forget the day one of my Bffs called and told me she had a cancerous tumour on her cervix. She was newly married and a new Mom and it didn't seem possible. I remember feeling numb. I remember feeling like my life, as I had known it was changed forever. My life? What about her life?
Since that time there has been radiation, misdiagnosis, chemo, and progression, hope, no hope and alternative treatments. This is not the way it was supposed to be. It is supposed to be early detection, treatment, cures and sighs of relief. This journey I am taking with this woman I love and her family that feels like my family is rich and scary and we laugh and we cry.
Yesterday she had surgery and she came through it well and with it brings more hope.
She is brave and she has become more beautiful with every day.
She is fighting for her life.
I truly believe she will Kick Cancer's Ass!
I am lacing up my boots in case she needs a hand.
It helps me put things into perspective.
I am so grateful.
You want a piece of me?
Bff called and I burst into tears again, told her the whole story and received some comfort. Then we decided to go to Kits Pool and swim some laps and talk things through. It was the right thing to do Bff is also a member of my family and my troubles are coming from my clan so it's just good to be able to talk to someone who knows the history, is a great listener and has good mental health advice for me. Getting exercise at a time like this is also great. Relieves stress and gets my mind somewhere else.
Frustration! I fucking hate being misunderstood and email is so evil sometimes. Things get taken out of context and with the wrong tone and intention far too often. Oh yes and things that are said can not be taken back after the send button is pressed so you better be sure. I had some pretty horrible shit thrust at me last night and I tell you I didn't handle it well. I shoved some right back. Enough already, it's not a fucking contest to see whose feelings are the most hurt. Who wants to win that one? Not me.
I'm angry, surprised, disappointed, flabbergasted, misunderstood, disrespected, discouraged and feeling violated. Did I mention I am pissed off?
This is the second time this year that I have ended up in an email war with someone and let me tell you they only get worse as they progress, not better. I have to take some responsibility for not learning my lesson the first time. Lesson learned. Never again.
Oh and Facebook is the spawn of the devil. A playground for passive aggressive bullshit.
Here's my Facebook status- Barb is...Fuck You!