We survived another weekend! This summer has sure been shaping up, what with the great weather and the parties and all.
Saturday was interesting, as we were puttering around the apartment we noticed there were some loud motorbikes coming and going. When we went onto the deck we were greeted by quite a site. This is only a fraction of the bikes parked outside. They went all the way down the block and around the corner. COOL!
Of course the event brought a spirited bunch of folks with it and by the time we went out at 9 there was a lot of tire squealing and general monkey business taking place. I wish we could have stuck around to see it all go down and maybe go over for a beer or two, it looked like good fun.
Instead we headed off to a house party and it was a good one. Friends of ours have a house in East Vancouver that time seems to have forgotten. The house is on a huge lot buried in a little chunk of old growth forest. The house itself is around a hundred years old and has never been upgraded or renovated. It's a slice of east Van history and the folks that live there are hip retro style people from the clothes they wear to the decor of the house, it's a pretty cool place to be. Not to mention the number of amazing musicians that were there, there was live house-rockin' music in the living room stuffed full of sweaty happy dancers. And cheese puffs too. Good times.
Moving pretty slow on Sunday but managed to get myself going with a trip to Costco to do some shopping. What the hell was I thinking? It's almost impossible to actually buy anything there if your not buying for a family of four. I can't get my head around all the massive quantities that everything comes in. I simply cannot store that much food. I know I might be sad in the event of a disaster but we do live above a grocery store so I figure we should be good for a while.
Today was just a bit of a silly one with a morning filled with phone calls and sad stories, dealing with little details at work and buying office supplies. Had a lovely lunch date though, good food and great company. Not bad at all.
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