I took the day off to do some house cleaning and I am just about as frustrated as I could be. I don't know how it got so damn dirty in here and I am not applying myself like I sometimes do and getting it all done at once. I am distracted and disinterested and pissed off.
My cock-a-doody vacuum cleaner is not working. I have never had good luck with these stupid contraptions and it seems paying a little more and getting a real vacuum cleaner doesn't make a damn difference. I swear to God the bloody thing gave up the ghost the minute the warranty timed out.
It's a Bissell upright and it's about as useless as tits on a bull. How much do you have to pay to get a half decent vacuum cleaner? I could probably get this one repaired but I don't like the way it cleans anyway so what's the point. Oh, it sucks, but the brush doesn't turn now. WTF?
I just spent an hour scooting around the kitchen on my ass sucking up bits of dirt with the crevasse tool.
That does it, I am going to tidy up and have the cleaning service come in to do a proper job then it's off to buy a new vacuum cleaner I guess. Anybody have a vacuum they would recommend? It helps if it pulls itself out of the closet when I'm not here and gives the place a going over. I would settle for one that works and doesn't seem to just blow the dust around. And no uprights. Never again.
Gah! I am procrastinating. And another thing...
Just kidding. Getting back to work now.
I was looking for an image to go with this post and typed in "frustrated housewife", WOW, soooo much porno.
How much do you need to spend? About $1500 on an Electrolux. I've got 2 - one from the 70s and one from the 80s and they both STILL work. The one from the 80s is in top form, but when it dies, I will happily shell out the bucks for a new one.
My Mom had an Electrolux too. They are excellent, and expensive. Tempting.
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