This is a photo of an ad by the company that used to sponsor my Dad's softball team in the 60's and 70's. I think that's pretty cool. I don't know why, I just do.
Soooo it's Friday! A funny thing happened today. Let's be clear, I love shoes and I got rid of over 25 pairs when we moved to the new smaller digs so I figure I have just about the right amount now except they keep making cute shoes and I keep looking. Today I was out with my
BFF helping her get a few things together for a trip she's taking and I was falling in love with shoes left right and centre. I just kept telling myself that I didn't need new shoes and that I couldn't afford new shoes. Then it happened. My shoe broke in a shoe store!! The strap just ripped right in two and there I was one shoe short of a pair. What the hell! Wouldn't you just know it, I didn't see one pair of shoes in that store that I wanted. What would you do?? I consider myself an industrious woman and I had to do something. So, I asked the clerk for her stapler, stapled the strap together so I could walk to the store where I saw something I liked and I bought myself these...
http://goshopping.thestar.com/shop/product--catId_1002563__locale_en__catCrumbIds_1000002-1002563__productId_3802793.htmlI think they are super cute and they are comfy like a sneaker but cute like a flat. finally a shoe to wear with skirts and dresses that I can walk in for hours comfortably. That's kind of a big deal for me. When I went to pay for them, it turns out they were on sale. Bonus! Still, I felt a bit bad about buying them, did I mention I couldn't really afford to be shopping?
Anywho, I get home and there is a big stack of mail sitting on the table as my man* has the only mail key and tends to check the mail only once a week or so. For the first time in many years I am getting a refund on my income tax and wouldn't you know it there was that little cheque. It covers my unplanned shoe purchase and helps out with some expenses that I need to clear up.
Is it wrong that I believe in a Shoe God??* you may have noticed that I haven't used any names in referring to people in my life so far. I think I want to keep it that way but I need to figure out what I am going to call the man I live with and am engaged to marry. I have a lot of names that I call him. When you live with someone for a long time you tend to stop using their actual name and just go with nicknames, unless it's something serious. Here are some of the nicknames I actually call him in daily life.
#1 Monkey
#2 Monkey Man
Monka#4 Man of La
Monka#5 Mr. Bo Dangles (don't ask)
#6 Superman
#7 Asshole
Asshat#9 Jerk Ass
#10 Fart Knocker
Wow, we are so
weird. I can't believe I'm actually putting these out there. I think from now on I will refer to him as Superman or SM. It's not too
sucky and it's not one of the names I call him when I'm pissed off at him. I do love him so. You may have guessed I have finally told him about my blog. He hasn't read it yet but I want to be sure to let you know that he is a lovely man and he actually smells pretty good most of the time.
Happy Friday ya'll!
Hope you're enjoying my blog.