I love this mechanical swimming girl at Kits Pool. The wind makes her swim. It is so beautifully made and her swimming movements are so perfect. I wonder who made her?
Things are going okay here at Belly Acres. I'm trying to keep it real but a lot of it is just fucked up. And a lot of it is really exciting and cool. Problem is, I can't talk about any of it here. It's too personal. For the moment anyway. Once things become resolved I promise I will let you in on it all. In the meantime, I could use a proper nights sleep.
With the heat and the fact that our bedroom is just soooo messy I am not getting decent sleeps and that must be resolved. I am thinking a lot about a new bed. I'm not saying our bed is bad it's just not good or bad. It's adequate. I keep hearing about new types of mattresses, rubber, foam, air, combinations of regular and memory foam. I even dream of going to a king size format but just the thought of having to by all new bedding discourages me. Even though I know we could fit a king bed in this bedroom you just never know about the next place we will live in. It would suck to have to change back to a queen. Still, all that room. Sigh.
When I first moved out on my own I had an old used mattress and box spring and we slept on that for the first 5 or 6 years until it became obvious that we needed to do something about it. We went to Sleep Country and bought a new bed that we couldn't really afford. They were nice enough to let us make monthly payments and the deal was done. I remember pushing the old mattress down the stairs to make room for the delivery of the new one and watching it practically disintegrate as it tumbled down the stairs. I don't even want to think about the dust mites.
On the day of delivery I waited with much excitement for our new landing pad to be delivered. I was so excited. Finally the guys showed up moved the bed into the bedroom and started to set it up. One small hitch, there were 2 box springs instead of a box spring and a mattress! I was so disappointed but the delivery guys just sorta shrugged and said I would probably get the mattress in a couple of days. A couple of days?! I'd thrown away the old bed and now they were telling me they couldn't help me for a couple of days. Well I was having none of it. I called the store and spoke to the guy who sold us the bed. I was pretty pissed by this time and he didn't really seem to care enough. That's when I decided to tell him if I didn't get my bed, that day, that I would be on the phone to head office so fast that heads would be a-spinning. We got our bed that very day, funny how it wasn't all that hard for them to accomplish after all. What should have been a happy exciting experience of buying our first large purchase together was marred by incompetence and poor customer service.
You've all heard the jingle, "Sleep Country Canada, I'd buy a mattress anywhere else."
Any suggestions? Do you love your bed? What kind is it and where did you get it?
Go for King! Go for King! It's soooo worth it, even with getting new bedding and all. I sleep so much better with the extra room and don't have to sleep with my butt hanging off the side anymore.
We got ours at the Brick, they're pretty good surprisingly- watch for their mattress sales- they always have sales... I think it's a sealy or a simmons, I can't remember... :P It's quite lovely tho'...!
King beds rule, ummkay!
I'm in the same spot as you - would like a king, but wouldn't love to re-buy all the bedding (I don't skimp on linens). Also, I'm not sure a king would fit in our room. Anyway, we bought a new Sealy firm last summer and I love it. We moved our old Sealy downstairs to the guest bedroom. It's still a good mattress, even 15 years later.
I have missed you! Imagine my delight at returning to read about old beds, new beds...etc. I love to sleep so it's a great topic for me.
We have a full size bed. It's an old metal bed frame with ornate designs that we picked up a a junk shop the first year we were married. I still love it.
Yayy! Tanmmie's back. Can't wait to read about your trip!!
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